Members from all generations enjoy warm fellowship through a variety of church activities throughout the year. Whether it is enjoying a summer picnic, serving the community or singing Christmas carols on a frosty evening, joy is found in being together with our brothers and sisters in Christ. View our photo gallery of events below and visit our Facebook page for additional pictures.



Fellowship Lunch

On February 16, Pastor Eshleman conducted an infant dedication during the morning service. Afterwards, there was a fellowship meal in the chandelier lobby of the high school building.



Soup & Song

On Wednesday evening December 18, families from the church caroled to the seniors and shut-ins, and gave them special Christmas bags. Afterwards, these families came to campus to enjoy fellowship over a bowl of soup.



Lessons & Carols

The prophet Isaiah foretold: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.” The children’s choir sang this truth during the annual Lessons & Carols service on December 15. Other ensembles added their voices and instruments to proclaim the “good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people” (Luke 2:10).





Ladies Bible Study

The ladies of Reformation Bible Church met at the Eshleman’s house on Saturday, December 7 for a Bible study. After enjoying some food and fellowship, Andri-Ellen Peters gave a devotional on Learning to Lament. The ladies concluded their event with a time of prayer.


Sr. Citizen’s Luncheon

On November 3 following the morning service, the Reformation Bible Women’s group hosted the annual Sr. Citizen’s Luncheon in the Ziegler Auditorium. Brad Fleming shared his testimony at the event, and the young people served the meal.



Reformation Celebration

Reformation Bible Church celebrated the 507th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation on October 27-28. Pastor Eshleman preached on “Christ Enthroned as the Reward of His Finished Work,” “Victory by Grace Alone,” and “The Fallen Believer’s Only Defense.” RBC also hosed a fellowship lunch on Sunday afternoon.


ACCC 83rd Convention

Hope Evangelical Methodist Church hosted the 83rd Annual Convention of the American Council of Christian Churches on October 22-24. The theme was “Christ Victorious Over the World.” Pastor Eshleman preached on “Christ’s Victory Over His Enemies,” and Jonathan Peters gave breakout sessions on “The Christian and Video Games” and “Critical Theory.”


Church Picnic

Reformation Bible Church and Malvern Free Presbyterian Church enjoyed a time of food, fellowship, and games at the church picnic on Saturday, August 10 at Susquehannock State Park, PA. RBC also gave Pastor Eshleman a surprise birthday card shower.



Receiving New Members

Three people covenanted to join Reformation Bible Church on Sunday, July 21 during the morning service.





Free Presbyterian Youth Camp

Reformation Bible Church took a group of thirteen campers and six staff up to the Free Presbyterian Youth Camp at Rock Mountain Bible Camp in Susquehanna, PA on July 13-20. The messages this year revolved around the Lord’s Prayer. Campers had the opportunity to participate in various activities throughout the week, including volleyball, gaga ball, soccer, ping-pong, zip-line, archery, and Bible-quizzing.


Bible Camp

Seventy K4-1st grader campers enjoyed the week of Junior Bible Camp and the “The Great Jungle Journey.” One hundred sixty senior campers split into teams of Army and Navy and competed in competitions throughout the week. They memorized verses from Ephesians, heard two daily devotionals from Pastor Eshleman, and completed Bible quizzing from the books of Samuel and Kings.


Baptismal Service

On Sunday afternoon, July 7, the congregation gathered at the creek to witness the baptism of five of our young people.




RBW Day Trip

The Reformation Bible Women sponsored a day trip to East Earl, PA on June 25. The ladies enjoyed a buffet lunch at Shady Maple Smorgasbord, followed by a visit to the gift shop and Good’s Store.



Boehm Missionary Visit

From June 11 to 22, Reformation Bible Church hosted the Boehms while they were on furlough from Italy. On June 14, Jonathan Peters and Julia Akers led the Boehms and a group from RBC on a trip to Gettysburg. On Sunday, Tom Boehm gave a missions’ presentation in Sunday School, and preached in the evening. Following the evening service, RBC held an ice cream fellowship under the bus canopy of the high school building.


54th Baccalaureate Service

Reformation Bible Church hosted the 54th Baccalaureate Service for Harford Christian School on Wednesday night, May 29. Pastor Eshleman gave the graduating class of 2024 “Divine Counsel for a Life’s Transition.”



Ladies Luncheon

On Saturday April 13, the Reformation Bible Women’s group hosted a Ladies Luncheon in the chandelier lobby. The ladies enjoyed good food, musical selections from RBC musicians, and a special word from Karol Edwards on “A Godly Garden.”


ACCC Spring Rally

On April 8, the America Council of Christian Churches held its annual Spring Rally at Hope Evangelical Methodist Church in Youngstown, PA. Executive Secretary Dan Greenfield spoke on “Christ’s Glorious Truth Delivered to the Church,” and Dr. Paul Elliott gave a presentation on the 100th anniversary of the Auburn Affirmation. Pastor Steve Spence also preached the evening message. The following day, Executive Committee members met at the church for a business meeting.


Jamaica VBS

A team from Reformation Bible Church traveled to Jamaica for the annual Easter Vacation Bible School in Fern and Smithfield. The theme for this year’s outreach was “Growing in Christ,” and it focused on Psalm 1.



Easter Caroling

On the first day of the week, an angel announced to Mary and Mary Magdalene: “Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said” (Matthew 28:6). On Wednesday, March 27, RBC families visited our seniors and shut-ins to proclaim this good news in song. Afterwards, families assembled at church for a time of food and fellowship.


Winter Fellowship

Reformation Bible Church hosted its Winter Fellowship on February 3 at 5 PM in the gymnasium. Families enjoyed a time of food and games, followed by a hymn-sing.



Teen Progressive Dinner

RBC teens met at church on January 27 at 3 PM for a progressive dinner. They traveled in a ministry van to three different houses to eat an appetizer, dinner, and dessert. They also enjoyed playing games and a devotional.




Soup & Song

On Wednesday evening December 20, families from Reformation Bible Church visited a number of seniors and shut-ins and sang Christmas carols with them. Afterwards, families returned to campus to enjoy a time of food and fellowship.



Lessons & Carols

Numbers 24:17 says: “There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel.” Reformation Bible Church proclaimed the good news of the King’s birth at its annual Lessons and Carols Service on December 17. During the service, men from the congregation read passages of Scripture, and the adult choir, children’s choir, men’s ensemble, brass ensemble, and flute ensemble all sang or played Christmas songs.


Receiving New Members

On December 3, seven people representing four families testified of their faith in Christ and joined Reformation Bible Church as members. Rev. Marcus Reyes preached the evening message that night, and also gave an update on his work in Mexico.



Sr. Citizens Luncheon

After the morning worship service on November 5th, the Reformation Bible Women’s group provided a turkey dinner to the senior citizens of our church. Prior to the meal, guests enjoyed listening to music by a string and woodwind ensemble. Teenagers from the congregation graciously served the meal followed by tasty desserts. Susanna (Edwards) Disu was the special speaker for the event, and she shared encouraging stories from her time living in China.


Reformation Celebration

Reformation Bible Church commemorated the 506th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation on October 29-November 1 with preaching from Rev. John Wagner. The theme of this Reformation Celebration was “Facing Our Need for a New Reformation.” RBC also hosted a fellowship lunch on Sunday afternoon.


ACCC 82nd Convention

Pastor Eshleman, the Peters, and the Loefferts traveled up to Kittery, ME for the 82nd Annual Convention of the American Council of Christian Churches on October 24-26. The theme of the convention was “A Holy God, A Holy Church.” Jonathan Peters gave a workshop on “Preparing Children Spiritually for Higher Education.”



Following the morning service on October 8, the congregation headed down to the creek to observe the baptism of Nathan Miskelly, who testified of his faith in Christ.




Baby Dedication and FPYC Report

On August 20, Pastor Eshleman conducted a baby dedication during the morning service, and preached on “A Pattern for Parenting.” That evening, the RBC teens gave a report on the Free Presbyterian Youth Camp.




Church Picnic

Reformation Bible Church and Malvern Free Presbyterian Church enjoyed a time of food, fellowship, and games at the church picnic on Saturday, August 12 at Susquehannock State Park, PA.



Special Speaker: Rev. Meggie Scott

Reformation Bible Church was privileged to host Rev. Meggie Scott and his family on Sunday, July 23. Rev. Scott preached the evening message from Jeremiah 37:17. Scott is the pastor of Evangelical Methodist Church in Fern, Jamaica, where the Flemings host their annual Vacation Bible School.



Free Presbyterian Youth Camp

On July 15-22, Jonathan and Andri-Ellen Peters led a group of twelve teenagers from Reformation Bible Church to the Free Presbyterian Youth Camp at Rock Mountain Bible Camp in Susquehanna, PA. The messages this year revolved around the life of Joseph in the Old Testament. Campers had the opportunity to participate in various activities throughout the week, including volleyball, basketball, gaga ball, ping-pong, zip-line, archery, and Bible-quizzing. A team of five girls brought home the Bible quizzing trophy again to RBC.


Bible Day Camp

On July 10-14, Reformation Bible Church held its annual Bible Day Camps. Over 225 children from the community participated. The Sr. Bible Camp had a Ford vs. Chevy theme. Campers earned points for their team by memorizing Scripture from Hebrews and James. There was also a week-long Bible-quizzing tournament. The Jr. Bible Camp focused on various aspects of spiritual warfare in the Kingdom of God.


Men’s Prayer Meeting

On June 10, RBC hosted a men’s prayer meeting with the men from Malvern Free Presbyterian Church, Antioch Baptist Church, and Free Grace Missionary Bible Church. Rev. Mark Loeffert preached a message from Philippians 1. The men then had a time of prayer, followed by food and fellowship in the chandelier lobby.


53rd Baccalaureate Service

Reformation Bible Church hosted the 53rd Baccalaureate Service for Harford Christian School on Wednesday night, May 31. Pastor Eshleman challenged the graduating class of 2023 to turn to God’s faithfulness in the midst of hardships.



5th Anniversary

Free Grace Missionary Bible Church in Upper Darby, PA, a church plant of Reformation Bible Church, celebrated its fifth anniversary on May 14. Pastor McKnight was the special guest speaker, and he preached on “Christ’s Love for His Church.”


Ladies Luncheon

On Saturday April 15, the Reformation Bible Women’s group hosted a Ladies Luncheon in the chandelier lobby. The ladies enjoyed good food, musical selections from RBC musicians, and a special word (and painting) from Julia Smith on “The Everlasting Love of God.”


Jamaica VBS

After a four-year hiatus due to covid travel restrictions, a team from Reformation Bible Church returned to Jamaica during Easter week to conduct Vacation Bible School in Fern and Smithfield. The theme of “The Names of God” provided a vehicle for communicating the Gospel, along with crafts, treats, singing, and Bible memory.


Soup & Song

At Jesus’ tomb, an angel told Mary Magdalene and the other Mary: “He is not here, for he is risen, as he said” (Matthew 28:6). On Wednesday evening April 5, families from Reformation Bible Church visited the homes of our seniors and shut-ins to testify in song of Christ’s resurrection from the grave. Afterwards, they reassembled in the fellowship hall on campus for a time of food and fellowship.


New Members

On March 19, eight people testified of their faith in Christ and joined Reformation Bible Church as members. Following the morning service, everyone enjoyed a fellowship lunch up in the chandelier lobby of the high school.




Lessons & Carols

Isaiah 11:1 says: “And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.” Reformation Bible Church proclaimed this truth at its annual Lessons and Carols Service on December 11. During the service, men from the congregation read passages of Scripture, and the adult choir, children’s choir, men’s ensemble, brass ensemble, and woodwind ensemble all sang or played Christmas songs.


70th Anniversary

Reformation Bible Church celebrated its 70th Anniversary on Sunday, November 20, 2022. In honor of this event, Wesley Peters composed an arrangement of “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” for adult and children’s choirs. Families in the congregation signed a special resolution of appreciation for John and Diane McKnight, which Pastor Eshleman read during the service.


Reformation Celebration

On October 30-31, RBC commemorated the 505th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Services were held on Sunday morning and evening at the regular times, and then on Monday at 7 PM. Sermons were preached by Pastors John McKnight, Adam Eshleman, and Stephen Pollock (Malvern Free Presbyterian Church). A special fellowship meal was held on Sunday in the chandelier lobby.


ACCC 81st Convention

The American Council of Christian Churches held its 81st Fall Convention at the Faith Chapel in Carlisle, PA on October 25-27. The theme of the convention was “Truth for Christ and the Church.” Three men from RBC spoke at the convention: Pastor Eshleman on “Preach the Word,” Dr. McKnight on “A Biblical Philosophy of Christian Education,” and Jonathan Peters on “Deconstructionism” and “How to Gain a Better Understanding of the Moral Landscape.” On Friday, Jonathan led a tour of the Gettysburg battlefield for the convention attendees.


Baby Dedication

In the New Testament, parents brought their young children to Jesus, and “he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them” (Mark 10:16). On September 4, the Wescotts likewise brought their baby boy, Archer, to be dedicated.



Baptismal Services

Philip told the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:37, “If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest” be baptized. During the spring and summer of 2022, four young people publically professed their faith in Christ and were baptized at Reformation Bible Church.



Church Picnic

On Saturday August 13, members of Reformation Bible Church and Malvern Free Presbyterian Church met together for a joint picnic at Susquehannock State Park. Families enjoyed the time of food, fellowship, and games.



Free Presbyterian Youth Camp

On July 16-23, Miles and Lois Carper and Andri-Ellen Peters led a group of teenagers from Reformation Bible Church to the Free Presbyterian Church Youth Camp at Rock Mountain Bible Camp in Susquehanna, PA. The messages this year revolved around the book of Philippians. Campers had the opportunity to participate in various activities throughout the week, including volleyball, basketball, ping-pong, and Bible quizzing. A team of four girls brought home the Bible quizzing trophy to RBC.


Bible Day Camp

On July 11-15, Reformation Bible Church held its annual Bible Day Camps. The Sr. Bible Camp had a Pepsi vs. Coke theme. Campers earned points for their team by memorizing Scripture from the Psalms. There was also a week-long Bible-quizzing tournament, emphasizing content from the book of Genesis.


Ice Cream Fellowship

After the evening service on June 19, RBC families assembled up at the high school carport for an ice cream fellowship. During the fellowship, the congregation showered the Slack family with gift cards to help them in their transition into a new home and to honor them for their faithful labors in the international dormitory over the last couple of years.


52nd Baccalaureate Service

On June 1, Reformation Bible Church hosted the 52nd Baccalaureate Service for the Class of 2022 at Harford Christian School. Dr. John McKnight preached to the seniors and their families on “The Great Hoax.”




Ladies Brunch

On Saturday April 23, the Reformation Bible Women’s group hosted a Ladies Brunch in the chandelier lobby. The ladies enjoyed good food, musical selections from RBC musicians, and a special word from Ginny Minnick on “More Love to Thee, O Christ: The Heart Hymn of Elizabeth Prentiss.”


Resurrection Sunday

In Luke 24:5-6, the angels said unto the women at Jesus’ sepulchre: “Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen.” On Resurrection Sunday 2022, the RBC Children’s Choir testified of this truth in song. The sanctuary and hallway were also decorated with Easter lilies in memory of loved ones.


ACCC Spring Rally

On April 11, the America Council of Christian Churches held its annual Spring Rally at First Evangelical Methodist Church in Gaston, NC. Executive Secretary Dan Greenfield gave a presentation, entitled “A Biblical and Theological Response and Statement of Opposition to Women Serving in the Military and Registering for the Draft.” Pastor Cliff Cauthorne also preached the evening message. The following day, Executive Committee members met at the church for a business meeting.


Winter Fellowship

The Family Council held its Winter Fellowship on February 5. At 5 PM, a number of families assembled in the gymnasium for a time of food and games. The evening concluded with a devotional and a hymn-sing.



Fellowship Luncheon

Following the morning service on January 23, families reassembled in the chandelier lobby for a time of warm fellowship and a potluck meal.





Soup & Song

Luke 2:17 says: “And when [the shepherds] had seen [baby Jesus], they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.” On Wednesday evening December 15, families from Reformation Bible Church spread the good news of Christ’s birth in song to a number of seniors and shut-ins. After caroling, families returned to campus to enjoy a time of food and fellowship.


Lessons & Carols

John 18:37 says: “Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth.” Reformation Bible Church proclaimed this truth at its annual Lessons and Carols Service on December 12. During the service, men from the congregation read passages of Scripture, and the adult choir, children’s choir, men’s ensemble, brass ensemble, and woodwind ensemble all sang or played Christmas songs.


Reformation Celebration

On October 31-November 3, RBC commemorated the 504th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Rev. Myron Mooney of the Trinity Free Presbyterian Church was the special speaker. Services were held on Sunday morning and evening at the regular times, and then on Monday through Wednesday nights at 7 PM. Mrs. Barbara Mooney also led a special ladies Sunday School class, Rev. Mooney joined the HCS 5th grade field trip to Gettysburg on Monday, portraying a Civil War chaplain.


ACCC 80th Anniversary

The American Council of Christian Churches held its 80th Anniversary Fall Convention at the Hardingville Bible Church in Monroeville, NJ on October 19-21. The theme of the convention was “Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today, Forever.”



Men’s Prayer Meeting

On September 11, RBC hosted a men’s prayer meeting. Dr. Stephen Pollock preached a message from I Kings 18. The men then had a time of prayer, followed by food and fellowship in the chandelier lobby.



Church Picnic

On Saturday August 14, members of Reformation Bible Church and Malvern Free Presbyterian Church met together for a joint picnic at Susquehannock State Park. Families enjoyed the time of food, fellowship, and traditional Sunday School picnic games.



Infant Dedication, Missionary Speaker, and Fellowship Meal

On August 1, Pastor McKnight conducted an infant dedication during the morning service. That evening, Rev. Marcus Reyes gave a missions presentation on his work among the remote Nahuatl people in Mexico. After the service, the congregation assembled up at the bus canopy for a fellowship meal.



Free Presbyterian Youth Camp

On July 17-24, Miles and Lois Carper and Andri-Ellen Peters led a group of teenagers from Reformation Bible Church to the Free Presbyterian Church Youth Camp at Rock Mountain Bible Camp in Susquehanna, PA. The theme of this year’s camp was “Truth in John’s Gospel.” Campers had the opportunity to participate in various activities throughout the week, including volleyball, basketball, ping-pong, and Bible quizzing. A team of three girls brought home the Bible quizzing trophy to RBC.


Bible Day Camp

On July 12-16, Reformation Bible Church held its annual Bible Day Camps. The Sr. Bible Camp had an Army vs. Navy theme. Campers earned points for their team by memorizing Scripture from the Gospel of John. There was also a week-long Bible-quizzing tournament, emphasizing content from this Gospel.


Ice Cream Fellowship

Following the evening service on June 6, Reformation Bible Church hosted an ice cream fellowship up at the high school building.





51st Baccalaureate Service

On June 1, Reformation Bible Church hosted the 51st Baccalaureate Service for the Class of 2021 at Harford Christian School. Rev. Adam Eshleman preached to the seniors and their families on “The Lord’s Counsel for a Blessed Life.”




New Members

Acts 2:40-42 says: “And with many other words did [Peter] testify and exhort, saying, ‘Save yourselves from this untoward generation.’ Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.” On May 23, ten individuals testified of Christ’s saving grace and covenanted together with Reformation Bible Church.


Ladies Bible Study

Beginning on February 27, the ladies of Reformation Bible Church meet on a Saturday morning about once a month to study the book of Ruth. These intergenerational meetings begin at 9 AM, and are now hosted in the high school library. The hour and a half meetings also include small group prayer and a discussion time on a topic of practical Christian living.


ACCC Spring Rally

On April 19, the America Council of Christian Churches held its annual Spring Rally at Davidson Baptist Church in Hazard, Kentucky. Executive Secretary Dan Greenfield gave a presentation, entitled “A Biblical Assessment of ‘Global Warming.’” Pastors Matt Reider and Steve Spence also preached two sermons. The following day, Executive Committee members met at the church for a business meeting.


Resurrection Sunday

On Sunday morning, April 4, RBC commemorated our Lord’s resurrection from the tomb. The children’s choir sang “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today,” and Pastor Eshleman preached a message on Romans 4:25, entitled “Raised for Our Justification.” The service concluded with the Lord’s Supper and a hymn.



Winter Fellowship

The Family Council held its Winter Fellowship on February 6. At 5 PM, a number of families assembled in the Fellowship Hall for a time of food and games. The evening concluded with a hymn-sing and a devotional.





























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